
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Horizon

I have seen and felt enough pain and heartache in the last few years to last me a lifetime.  I have journeyed down roads that I never imagined I would ever have to walk.  I have had my character and morals questioned as well as who I am as a woman and a mother.  I have had my decisions looked at with eyes of disgust and judgment by those who don't want to see the truth.  I have cried tears of sorrow and tears of joy.  I have had sleepless nights out of worry and fear and have also had nights where I was in prayer.   I could list a hundred things that aren't fair in my life, especially right now, but that wouldn't do any good.  It's because our trials are what shape us and our lives.  The way we think, the way we care, the way we love, the way we see others-our trials open our eyes to things we were once blind to.  Our trials give us compassion and grace and a deeper understanding of what someone else is going through. With another storm o...

Lone Flower

The sun reaches down to kiss this lonely flower every single day; giving it exactly what is needed to flourish and survive the day ahead.  And just like the sun, God reaches down every day to do the same for you too.  There are days where I wake up and feel all alone in this big field-out of reach from the things I need to survive the day or a situation.  There are days I wake up feeling completely lost and fearful of what the future holds.  There are days where I wake up and allow my focus to be on the uncertainties of my life instead of the one who never waivers. But somehow, God always finds me exactly where I am.  He finds me in those moments when my focus has been blurred by this world and the trials it holds.  He reaches down to me and feeds my soul.  He gives me the things I don't yet know that I need to handle my day.  Just as the sun shines it's rays down on this flower, the Lord shines His amazing love down on us.  Feeding us an...


In this place my heart is at peace. My soul is still and engulfed by your voice and God's presence. In this place I feel the weight of the world and all the trials of life disappear. It's in these moments, when I watch you lead worship, that I feel the closest to you. It's as if we are the only ones in the room and you are singing just to me. Your passion for the Lord exudes off of you and can be felt by all who are in ear's reach of your voice.  The entire congregation may be singing out, but all I hear is you and the beating of my own heart. The stillness of these precious moments are where God leans down and whispers to me, "this is what I made him for." "This is where he belongs." You were created to worship. You were given this gift so that others can feel God's amazing love through you.  You touch so many people with your passion for worship and I couldn't be more proud as your wife to witness this.