Walking By Faith

It's incredibly hard to walk down a road when you don't know where it leads to.  You are unsure of what to expect; what it will be like.  The only thing you are certain of, is that you have no choice but to travel down this unfamiliar road.

Imagine this.  You are happy.  You have an awesome job.  In your eyes, your life is perfect and you think that it can't get any better than this.  You have a beautiful home, an amazing group of friends that you can't imagine doing life without.  You have finally found the perfect church and your family is thriving.  But what if?

What if you lost your home?  What if something happened with your job?  What if the life you love so much was suddenly ripped apart?  What if?  What if God wanted you to walk down a different road?  What if He was asking you to walk by faith and not by sight?  Would you try to do anything to keep life as you know it?  What would you do?  Walking by faith is difficult.  If you are like me, I have to know the entire plan.  I want to know every detail before I can make a decision.  But sometimes, that doesn't happen.  Sometimes, we know that there is only one logical answer to a problem and we have to take that leap of faith.  We have to choose to walk by faith and not by sight.  We have to say to God, "okay God, I am trusting you through this".  I can tell you that walking by faith isn't always easy for me.  At times, it makes me uneasy, it makes me anxious, it makes me question things and even God.  But what if?

What if God was moving you; your life, your family to set you up for your destiny?  What if He needed you somewhere to minister to someone specific because of your skills and talents or because of your testimony?  What if there was a bigger blessing waiting for you and your family and all that was required of you to receive it was to walk by faith?  What if?  What if God was trying to make your already perfect life unimaginable?  What if your purpose in life is about to be revealed?  You know, something that will completely fill you and give you purpose again.  What if you just allowed yourself to have complete faith and trust in God; the one who already knows what's up ahead?  What if?

Are you at a place where God is needing you to walk down an unfamiliar road?  One where there are so many unknowns.  Is He asking you to give up something in your life that you love; that you couldn't imagine ever changing?  Is He asking you to move?  Is He asking you to give up your job and pursue something else?  Is He asking you to walk by faith and trust Him?  If He is asking you to do something, remember, there is a reason, a purpose; He already knows every single detail.  What if you choose to walk by faith?  What if?

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