
My journey in life has been amazing-even in the midst of heartache and trials.  My journey took me to places that I thought would destroy me completely or break me beyond repair.  My journey has had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. And with each high and each low I praised God the same.  You see, my journey always includes God.  It doesn't matter where I am going, He is coming along.  My journey always brought me to His feet whether the reason was praise or to cry out to Him for help.

Today is no different.  I still desire God to be with me every step of the way.  My heart is His.  My life is His.  I have stumbled through the darkest of valleys and I don't want to do it without Him.  I have seen what He alone can do.  I have seen His miracles work in my own life.  My joy and my peace in heartache and trials are because He is alive inside of me.  Only He satisfies my soul.  God is my resting place.

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