I know you don't know me, but I know you. I know every single detail of your life. Every scraped knee, every tear shed; I know every single strand of hair on your head. You see, I knew you before you were knit together in your mother's womb. I know you feel a nudge; you have this longing for something more-something greater. I know you are struggling. I know you are about ready to give up. Don't. Your family loves you, like I love you. Just like they are my children, you are my child too. You see, I am your Heavenly Father, your creator; I'm your biggest fan. I have been watching over you and your life. I've placed people in your path to show you My love for you. Your family are My hands and My feet. Because I can't physically be there with you, I've put them in My place to show you My love. They are praying for you. They hurt with you. They don't want you to be lost and struggling on your own an...