Stuck Between the Light and Dark

Sometimes, our circumstances can leave us feeling lost; like we are watching our life go by from the sidelines and someone else is living it.  Like this can’t be our reality.  They can leave us unsure of what to think and feel.  Our emotions can sweep us away in a pit of despair and hopelessness; leaving us controlled by the one thing I know shouldn’t be in charge, our feelings.  

As I try and process through emotions from the trial I just walked through, I’m left feeling so many things.  Things that the old me would just push away and hide instead of confronting them the healthy way.  The thing is, right now, I don’t want to feel.  I don’t want to process these things.  All I want to do is run away from the emotions that have taken over my heart.  I am stuck.  Stuck somewhere between the light and the dark.  Not knowing what to do with what I feel.  

So instead of running away, I’m going to stay and fight.  Instead of being silent, I’m going to use my voice.   And as I write, little by little, word by word, I will start to heal.  I write to share what Jesus has done in my life-what He is doing in my life.  To bring hope to those who need to hear that they are not alone.  That when your strength leaves you, God’s power is made perfect in your weakness.  He loves you just the way you are-broken and hurting.  And that reminder, that I don’t have to be perfect is what will help me push through the dark and back into His light.  

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