What Did You Learn?

Loss can teach us so many things.  And to each of us, loss can look differently.  For me, the loss I experienced was of my former hopes and dreams and time with my children because of divorce.  I’ve also experienced the gut-wrenching loss of two unborn babies.  To some, loss could be death or a broken relationship.  It could be a job or something more sentimental like treasured old photographs or a childhood home.  Whatever the loss you are experiencing, it has such tremendous power to teach us what is most important if we allow it to.  

The power of forgiveness.  The sound of a laugh.  The realization of just how much someone means to us.  Loss can teach us the beauty of a moment.  The smell of a mother’s perfume.  To pay attention to the little things and just be present.  When we experience loss of any kind, we have a choice.  We can either look at all that we don’t have or the blessing of what we do.  I know for me, that when my house is quiet because the boys are away, the loss of my time is yelling loudly to get my attention.  To get me to see all that I don’t have and am missing.  But what if, what if in those moments I choose to see the beauty in the time I do get to see them.  What if I choose to see the good instead of the bad?  

For what I have lost here in the world, I have gained so much more eternally and that is enough for me.  By losing my unborn babies, I know that they are resting in the arms of God.  And I know that they are safe until I can hold them myself.  By losing my children, it makes me all the more thankful for the two blessings I have here in my arms.  It makes me thankful that I’ve been able to love and nurture them for as long as I have.  And even if I only had one day a month with them, I would still find the blessings in those twenty-four hours.  

What kind of loss are you experiencing?  What can you learn from it?  For me, I’ve learned the beauty of moments.  I’ve learned to treasure and celebrate the little things.  To be present and not take a single second for granted.  I’ve learned the power of forgiveness through immense pain and the glorious joy that comes every morning.  I’ve found my faith and strength through loss.  I’ve found my purpose and passions too.  I’ve found all that I never knew I needed because I have experienced loss.    

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