In Comparison

Walking through the Garden of the Gods, I couldn’t help but be in awe.  The grand stature and the sheer beauty of this place is so inspiring to me.  This spot stopped me in my tracks and as I stood and took it all in, life and the storms we face were put into perspective in a different way for me.  My camera could never capture the beauty of this place, but my words can help you feel what I felt in this moment; and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to take away something and apply it when your own storms come.   

I found myself reflecting on His goodness and the mountains that I have conquered in my lifetime.  How God helped me navigate up the winding path in the midst of my turmoil and wavering faith.  How He showed me where to place my feet and kept me safe as I traveled; and loved and protected me even when my trust was fading.  Man, I have walked along that winding path many times and have felt so small compared to the storms I was facing.  How when I looked to my left and right and in front of me, all I saw was the mountain in my way.  But today, as I watched those two people walking along this path, I was reminded of God’s presence in the midst of our journey.  How it’s now the storms that are big, but God.  Today, I saw just how big God is. He is grand in stature like these mountains; He is mighty and strong; and it’s our storms that are tiny in comparison to Him.  

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