
“Faith has the ability to see God working, even if His hand seems invisible.” -Steven Furtick

I have to remind myself of this often.  Sometimes it’s hard for me to see His hands in the midst of my messes.  It’s hard for me to see that He is on my side; working out every detail for good when the distractions blind my eyes from His light.  It’s hard for me to remember because sometimes, the pain sucks everything out of me leaving me feeling alone and broken and confused.  

I find myself questioning where I would be if it weren’t for my faith.  Where I would be if I had chosen to walk away from God that day my former spouse walked away from me.  I find myself questioning what if I followed man instead of following Him.  Where I would be if I turned away from my calling instead of marching towards it.  

A lot of my questions, honestly, I don’t want answered.  I don’t want them answered because I am confident that the pain was for a purpose.  But I can look back on that day I chose to stay, and follow Him, and see His hands in it all.  You see, in the midst of all my messes, His hands were always holding mine.  I had faith that day to say, “okay, God” and it has been my faith that has given me the ability to see what was once invisible.  

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