Beat Down and Broken

Ever have a bad day?  I mean a really, really bad day?  That was me the other day.  I was having one of those days where I felt completely broken on the inside.  To the outside world I appeared fine, but in reality, I was crying on the inside.  I was beating myself up.  I was allowing my thoughts and emotions to get the better of me.  I was throwing a pity party for myself.  Those aren't any fun.  If anything, they are a complete waste of our time.  I should have just turned it over to God, right?  But for some reason, I couldn't.  I was so shaken that I couldn't do what I knew to do-and that's turn it over to God.

There happened to be a piece of paper on the counter so I just drew what I felt like instead and pushed it aside; I didn't think about it again.  That was until I saw what my twelve year old wrote below my drawing.  He wrote, 'Remember that God loves you and made you in His own image.  Stay strong.'
I busted into tears when I saw what he had written.  He is so right.  Here I was beating myself up and tearing myself down and the reality was God loves me for who I am.  No matter what I or the world thinks.  Who was I to think so negatively about myself?  Because when God looks at me He sees perfection.  Cody was right, God created me (all of us) in His own image.  He loves me (you) in those moments when I allow a really, really bad day to take over.  He loves me even though I allow my feelings and emotions to blind me from His amazing grace and love.  He wants to carry my burdens.  But I have to allow Him to do so first.  God showed up in the midst of my bad day through Cody.  God used him to remind me that I am loved even though I may not think so.  Not just during my good days, but when I am feeling beat down and broken.  

Are you having one of those really, really bad days?  If so, remember that God loves YOU too.  God created YOU in His own image as well.  Next time you are feeling the weight of the world, don't allow your feelings and emotions to blind you to the one who will help.  Let go of all your burdens so that you can find rest in Him.    

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