His Presence

I have to say how nice it has been the last two days having the boys back in school.  Not because I want them out of the house, but because I missed our schedule.  If you are like us, we thrive when we have a routine.  I go for my run after dropping them off at school.  This morning was no different.  Sure it was a little warmer than I would like, but the breeze that was coming off of our lake was amazing!  So I grabbed my phone and headed out.

About a mile into my run this morning, a song came on that really spoke to my heart.  I couldn't help myself and I just started to worship as I ran along the side of the road.  Sure, people may have been looking at me funny, but I didn't care.  It made me think about people who are sick and hurting.  People that are having medical problems.  People that maybe have lost all hope in their situation.  My heart hurts today not only for the sick, but for their loved ones too.  For the ones who have to watch them go through such a difficult time.  The worst feeling in the world is one where you can't take away any of the pain a loved one is feeling.  That there is nothing you physically can do.  You just feel helpless.  

The song that spoke to me was Holy Spirit.  It made me think about how we should invite God into our lives all of the time.  Especially, when we are hurting or watching a loved one struggle.  The feeling you have is indescribable when you know God is with you.  You know He is there because you can feel Him-His presence.  You are surrounded by such an overwhelming amount of peace that you don't dwell on the negative.  You are finally able to rest in His love.  There is no other feeling like that in the world. The words of that song say it perfectly, "Holy Spirit you are welcome here.  Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.  your Glory God is what our hearts long for.  To be overcome by your presence Lord".  God wants to be there for us.  He wants to take away our pain and replace it with love and with peace.  Even if the situation seems hopeless, it isn't because of God.

I am watching someone I love very much struggle with health issues.  Every day I check on her.  Every day I pray for her.  Every day I think about how much I love her.  Every day I hope it is a good day.  Every. Single. Day.  There is nothing that I can do to take away her pain; but I know someone who can-God.  I may not be able to take away the pain, but I sure can pray.  So as a loved one, that is what I am doing.  It is what I have been doing.  It is what I'm going to continue to do.  

Do you have a loved one that is dealing with medical problems today?  Are you?  Just rest in knowing that God can give you the peace that passes all understanding.  He will give you exactly what you need to get through this trial.  He will walk with you along this journey.  He can take your fear and turn it into hope.  He can take your sickness and turn it into a miracle.  He loves you and wants to be there for you-always.  If you don't know Him, I pray you ask Him into your heart.  Your life will not be the same once you do.  

For those struggling today, just know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers.  God Bless. -K  

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