Impact Of a Decision
Decision making is part of our daily lives. Have you ever sat down and thought about how many decisions you make in a day? There are too many to count really. The decisions start the moment you wake up. A lot of the time, they are simple ones, to which we are quick to make up our minds. Like, should I hit the snooze button? But the bigger ones-those are what have me thinking right now. If someone would have got through to me when I was younger by really opening my eyes to the impact the decisions I was making, good or bad, would follow me the rest of my life, I would have looked at them like they were crazy. I thought I knew it all; I wasn't looking that far into the future, I was caught up in the now. I was focused on how my decisions would affect my life at that moment not twenty years down the road. If I could, I would go back to my younger self and share the wisdom and life experiences I now have. I would want to try to help...