Lone, White Feather

I went down to the water today and  I was immediately drawn to this lone, white feather floating my way.  I just thought it was such a beautiful thing to see.  The water was so dark that the white of the feather just stood out.  No matter how dark and cloudy the water was, the white was so visible that it caught my attention.

It made me think about life and all the darkness this world can bring.  And how sometimes, as a Christ follower, we feel so alone in this world.  We are like this lone, white feather that is making it's way, floating along with the current.  It made me think about how important it is to always allow our light to shine for all to see; no matter what.  In those times when we are surrounded by such darkness, never allow that darkness to drown out the light of God living and breathing inside of you.

It won't always be easy to be that light.  There will be times where someone may not agree with you, or a decision you have made; they may even try to convince you that you are doing things all wrong.  Don't allow that to discourage or defeat you, let it drive you, let it push you forward to continue your walk.  Don't be afraid to stand out; to make an impact in the lives of those around you.  Even if that means you are in a group of all non-believers, allow your light to shine even brighter.  You never know who you may impact with a kind word or through your actions.  Allow your presence to blind everyone so that they wonder what's different about you.  Be like that white feather; stand out and make a difference.   Dare to be that light in a dark, dark world. 

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