A Beautiful Symphony

Anyone who has lost a baby knows the immense amount of pain that comes along with that.  More times than none, you only hear a mother express the amount of pain she is in after the loss of a baby.  But, father's hurt too. They grieve in their own ways and in their own time. These words were written by my husband not to long ago and I just wanted to share his thoughts and realizations with all of you.  My hopes are that it comforts at least one hurting father out there who doesn't quite know how to express or even understand what they are going through.  God Bless.

'I can remember seeing you on the monitor and hearing your heart beat. It was the most amazing day of my life. I remember tearing up because it was the most amazing sound I've ever heard. All my life I've listened to music. Studied it. Played it. Composed it. But the sound of your heart beat remains the single most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I've never been more in love. I never got to hold your hand or kiss your face. I never had the opportunity to hear your giggles or sing you to sleep. I never had the chance to comfort you when you were upset or sit with you behind the piano and listen to you make music. You would have been closing in on your first year this month and I think about you often. I know you're with our Heavenly Father. I know he takes better care of you than I ever could and that comforts me. Your mother and I are so grateful for that moment we got to hear your symphony, that amazing heart beat. Though your loss was painful and I've struggled to understand it, I'm trusting that God gave me that moment with you as inspiration and hope. It's taken me all this time to realize it and not be upset with Him. Forgive me for not celebrating you sooner. You will always be the sound of love to me. - love, daddy.' 

'For those who have lost, remember the joy in the moments you had. It's taken me a year to formulate those words and realize my focus was in the wrong place. I choose joy.'

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