My prayer for you this year is that you’ll grow to have the confidence to stand up for what you like and do the things you want to do.  I pray that you will have the courage to try new things without fear of failure or what people may think.  My prayer for you is to believe in yourself.  To believe in your abilities and talents that God has blessed you with.  To chase after God with all of your heart.  Not because we do, but because you want to have your very own relationship with Him.  I pray that you set more goals and have the determination to chase after them whole-heartedly.  My son, my prayer is for you to see the potential in yourself.  To see that you are capable of what ever you put your mind to.  To see yourself the way Adam and I do-the way God does.  I pray that you won’t put limits on yourself just because you tried and failed.  But instead, I pray you let those failures push you to try harder to succeed.  
I love you. -Mom

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