Through Me

Be still and listen to what I'm trying to say.
I don't want you to miss this,
because today is the day.

I know you are hurting,
You're broken inside.
You don't know who to turn too,
You just want to run and hide.

Open up your heart,
so that you may see.
The endless amount of love I have for you to receive.

You are so smart and beautiful to me.
You're one of a kind-why is that so hard to see?
Even though you don't think so,
I'm telling you this now.
You are my beloved, my child, you wear a crown.

I love you, my child, more than you know. 
You don't have to walk this life alone.
Will you open up your eyes, and your heart to me?
There is a way to peace  and happiness through me.


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