Blessing from Destruction

Single moms will always have a special place in my heart; after all, I was one for three years.  And it wasn't until I found myself walking that road, did I truly understand what being a single mom actually looked like.  The physical, the mental; the demand of trying to mend my broken heart all while staying strong for my children, it was all so very overwhelming and difficult. 

But had it not been for the loss of my former marriage, I wouldn't have come to know Him the way I have.  You see, it wasn't until my life was completely turned upside down did I truly seek Him with all my heart.  Loss and destruction can bring us to the end of ourselves; leaving us with an emptiness that only He can fill.  And standing in my kitchen in the summer of 2010, I found myself alone, sobbing over a sink full of dishes not knowing what to do or where to go; I didn't have a clue how I would manage this new found life I was thrown into.   But in that moment, instinctively I knew that the only way I would heal from the destruction was to seek Him and His love.  So I did...

Finding God and my faith that day, was the beginning of my story.  It will be a moment I will never forget; it was the blessing that came from the destruction.  It was the beginning of my beauty for ashes.  

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