
I can remember a time in my life that when I thought about who I was, all I could name were the titles I had placed on myself.  My identity was consumed by what was going on in my life at the time.  I was allowing who I was to be defined by the issues and destruction swirling all around me.

Where when I thought about the way people saw me all they saw was a divorced, single mom.  They saw a failure.  Maybe even a quitter.  I felt ashamed all the time, especially in church.  So I hid a lot of me, so to speak.  I avoided certain conversations and situations.  I couldn’t even look at myself without feeling this overwhelming sense that everyone saw me the same way.  

It was tough living with those titles over my life.  I walked around for years with my head held down; trying my best to hide the immense amount of shame I felt.  And it wasn’t until I found the truth did I fully embrace the freedom that comes with knowing it.  With whole-heartedly believing it with all that I am.  My identity is not wrapped up in titles I place over my life; or even those titles others may throw on my shoulders.  My identity is found in Christ and Him alone.  He took me, broken and ashamed, just as I was and accepted me for me.  A divorced, single mom, too ashamed to see herself the way He does. 

It has been a tough journey to get me to where I am at today.  And to be honest, the shame I felt all those years ago still tries to sneak back into my life.  The enemy is relentless in his attempt to knock us down.  To prevent us from becoming all that God knows we are capable of becoming.  The enemy doesn’t want us to shine so that others can find the freedom with knowing the truth.  

So, Lord, shine on us.  Shine on us the truth.  Shine on us your love and grace.  Shine on us with all that you are and all that you know we are capable of.  We want to feel.  We want to know.  We want to believe it deep down in the pit of our stomachs that we are who You say we are.  Wanted.  Loved.  Redeemed.  Your child despite all that we’ve done.  Despite our mistakes and failures.  Despite all the times when we’ve pushed you to the bottom of our to-do lists.  Shine brighter than ever on us so that the truth drowns out the lies from the enemy.  

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