Why Are You Running

I know I write about my faith a lot.  Sharing lessons learned and trials that I’ve overcome.  I know it’s not for everyone, and that a lot of people probably don’t want to hear the things I have to say.  My purpose isn’t to be someone who’s voice is loud and screams so all can hear.  I write for that one.  That one who needs encouragement.  That one who needs to know that they are not alone.  That one is why I endured the things I’ve endured and the reason I feel led to share.  

God has done so many amazing things in my life, and it’s no surprise that He continues to show up so that I may see.  I’ve learned over the years that He will use the most ordinary of moments to show you what He needs you to understand; and the other day, on about mile three, He whispered a question to me.  

“Why do you run?”

You see, I was pushing myself a little harder than normal by adding extra miles that day.  I was running because life was hard in that moment.  I was running out the stress and mistakes.  I was running from the heaviness I felt in my spirit and on my shoulders.  I was running from the argument I had with my husband.  I was running away from all the things that burdened me.  I was running away from life.  And to be completely honest, I was running away from God. 

As I was listing off things in my head, I looked up and saw an older gentleman walking slowly towards me.  And in that moment, years of my life flashed before my eyes; and I saw what He needed me to see.  My perspective was all wrong.  He didn’t want me to run away from life and the burdens that come with it.  He wanted me to run towards Him and the things He would walk me through.  

I realized in that moment, that I was still falling into old patterns and coping mechanisms.  My past snuck in again without me even realizing it had.  I was handling it all wrong.  I was trying to do it all in my own strength without His help.  And just as I was starting to get frustrated and maybe a little tired, He showed up.  He reminded me that I was not meant to do life on my own.  I was not built to carry the load I had put on my shoulders.   And that I was running from the very things He wanted to walk me through.  

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