The Light

The light. It speaks to me everyday.  As I sip my morning coffee it greets me.  As I go about my day, it shines through in unexpected ways.  As I walk through my grandma’s house, it stops me in my tracks.  There is something magical about light, and how it makes me feel; a deep appreciation for it’s beauty that at one time went unseen.  I suppose that is why we go through dark times; to allow the beauty of the light to drown it out, so that His light can shine into the mundane and heartbreaking situations that make life, life.  

My grandma found me starring at her bathroom window this day.  I asked her if she has ever noticed the light rays and the dust floating in its beauty?  Her response, “I’m glad you appreciate the light”.  She went on to say, “I can’t live in a dark house.”  “I have to have light coming in”.  

I suppose she feels the same way I do about it all; the light and dark.  The trials and joys of life.  Her life has seen some of the same heartache mine has.  And I suppose that’s where our desire to see it and feel it came from.  To light up not only our souls, but to have a constant reminder of His presence streaming in through the windows of our homes when we need Him most.

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