The way to true intimacy with God is not to live on the mountain top, but to get to know His faithfulness in the valley.  -Craig Groeschel

I feel like this is the deepest and widest valley I’ve had to journey through.  And something tells me that when it is all said and done, I’ll look back on this and realize that it wasn’t.  There comes great pain and heartbreak with rejection; especially if it’s someone you love deeply pushing you away. The pain runs deep and wide, just like the valley does.  

In the beginning of it all, I would look around, and all I could
see was loss and devastation; I could only see what was missing from my life.  And I would think to myself that there is no way I’ll be able to journey up and out of this; this is just too much— even for me. 

It’s then, I’m reminded, that this too, shall pass.  Just like all the other storms have.  And the one who has promised to never leave me, will be right by my side.  If anyone could help me out of this valley, I know He would be the first in line; waiting for me to invite Him into my brokenness.  The beautiful thing about being broken is getting a front row seat beside Jesus as He puts back each piece in just the right spot. 

Healing won’t come overnight and it may take years.  But with grace and patience and a whole lot of love, He somehow makes the broken beautiful.  He made this broken, beautiful.  So that when I am to look around, I won’t only see the pain caused by the destruction.  I’ll see something bigger; I’ll see Him at work through it all. 


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