Written Words

It is written, that I am His Beloved.   

The truth is, I don’t always feel like I am. 

Trials have found me; leaving me unsure of who I am or what my purpose is.

Rejection.  Heartbreak.  Loss.  

So many of those moments have held me captive.  

So many of those moments have broken me.

So many of those moments have lead me to believe that I am less than and unworthy to be called His Beloved.


It is written, that I am.

The trials that have found me can’t change truth.

Loved.  Wanted.  Found in Him.  

All things that are written about who I am.

All things that I am despite circumstances I find myself in.

The trials and rejection; heartbreak and loss weren’t meant to keep me captive.

They weren’t meant to leave me broken and unrecognizable.

They weren’t meant to make me question whose I am.

It is written, that I am His Beloved.

And nothing will ever separate me from that truth or His love.

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