Choice to Live

No matter how much I want God to change my situation, I can’t help but feel that it’s my spirit that needs the change of scenery.  God is more concerned with that, then changing a situation I feel needs to be changed.  Am I hurting, yes.  Am I uncertain about things, yes.  Would I like to be able to give my boys a hug and tell them I love them, yes.  

But right now, there is something bigger at work that I don’t yet fully understand.  Right now, I have to let go and let God.  I have to trust in His plans even if I believe His plan right now totally sucks.

When you face your greatest fear head on, something happens inside of you.  That fear you have always carried is now gone.  The anxious thoughts, the weight of the world, the waking out of a dead sleep because of the what if’s—all gone.  The fear no longer has a grip on you because you are living through and facing that fear.   I have found that there is so much freedom in that.  Loosing that fear doesn’t make the situation hurt any less.  It just allows me to focus on what needs my attention without that major distraction.

Friends, it is possible to STILL LIVE despite being in pain.  

It is possible to STILL LIVE despite people walking away from you.  

It is possible to STILL LIVE and not know how the heck your story ends.  

Because if you don’t, then what kind of life will that be?  If you don’t choose to really LIVE then all of this fear and pain you’ve carried will be for nothing.  I’m able to STILL LIVE because I know that there is always a purpose for every trial.  I know that there is something greater at work here and one day it’ll all make sense.  I know that there are other mom’s out there who are also walking through parental alienation and need to know that they’re not alone.  

There is power in your pain.  

There is power in your testimony.

There is power inside of you to make the choice to really LIVE your life to the fullest despite all the crap that may be happening.  Don’t waste your pain, embrace it and choose to LIVE anyway.

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