Parental Alienation

The last fourteen months have been daunting, to say the least.  All of a sudden, I found myself slap right in the middle of living through parental alienation. If you don’t know what that is, you’re not alone; I didn’t know what it was either.  But somehow, regardless of not knowing what was happening, I found myself in my worst nightmare.  

There are a range of emotions you go through; and I think as a mom, it’s a little harder on us given we carried our children and birthed them.  The connection is unlike anything else, and the love we carry is limitless and is given freely and unconditionally.  Despite what is happening in this season of unknowns, my love for my children is stronger than ever.  

Many people want me out of the picture all together.  But the truth of the matter is, what happens in the dark always comes to light.  I too, was alienated from my family and friends for ten years.  I know what my children are living through.  I understand the turmoil they have to secretly endure on the inside.  I know what it feels like to walk on eggshells constantly; all with one goal, to not upset the alienators.  

I will not give up on my children; I refuse to.  I will never stop loving them no matter what is said or done to me.  I’m finally at a place within to be able to share and talk openly about this journey called parental alienation I am on.  I have found that there are others; many moms and dads and even grandparents walking the same road I am today.    

If you find yourself in this season, I challenge you to do all you can to reach out.  Keep a journal, text, email; send letters.  But do what you can because in this kind of situation, that is all you can control.  Your attempts most likely will fall of deaf ears, and that’s okay.  Be consistent with reaching out.  Let your children know that you are here for them.  And if you need too, take breaks.  All of this can be so overwhelming and emotionally draining; but whatever you do, never give up hope on your littles.  

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