Grief, broken hearts, loss, pain—there isn’t a pretty way to heal from it.  There isn’t a list of bullet points to follow to make it any easier, either.  It’s messy and all over the place.  You can’t hide from it or run away.  You could be like me and find yourself crying in the middle of a zoo one day.  All because you heard a mama say her son’s name.  The same name as your son.  And you sit, and watch as they hold hands and walk off together and the pain you feel makes you remember… 

You have a broken heart.  And it hurts because of what is missing.  A longing you long to be filled.  A love you want to give.  A hand you want to hold in yours.    

This is part of healing.  Allowing the feelings to come in the middle of a zoo and giving yourself grace in the moment to just feel.  Not only to feel, but remember this broken heart won’t stay broken.  God will take it and turn it into something only He can see right now.  Even though you don’t feel like it is true, proclaim it.  Speak it.  Praise Him for all that He has done.  For all that He is doing.  And all that He will do through this pain.  

Just going through the motions won’t get you anywhere.  It won’t bring you any closer to the healing you need, either.  Just going through the motions only numb your feelings and push back what needs to be processed.  So whether you’re at a zoo or in the grocery store or at the movies—give yourself grace in the moments that your broken heart may ask to be heard.  Give yourself grace to feel and move into His presence as you present to Him what is weighing you down.  

That’s how you begin to heal.  Moving through it with God even though you may be running low on faith.

A broken heart isn’t an ending; it’s the beginning of something beautiful being born.  The process may stink and may be hard, but one day looking back, you’ll realize that if it weren’t for the cracks from this brokenness you wouldn’t be who you are today. 

That’s the moment you’ll know.  God was there, even in your disbelief and uncertainty putting the pieces together in a way only He can.  

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