I’m the kind of learner who does best doing.  In other words, give me a book to hold over a tablet.  Give me pen and paper to jot down something I need to remember instead of a keyboard.  Let me walk through some hard shit in order to learn what ever it is I’m supposed to take away from that season.  

As cool as it is telling the world about my faith and my God, it also terrifies me at the same time.  I don’t pretend to have it all together; and I know that my knowledge of the Bible and what it says could be better.  My fear of messing it all up kinda makes me freeze and second guess the little I do know.    

But what I have walked through, has given me so much more than sitting down thinking I have to memorize the Bible in order to share HIM.  That’s why I write.  That’s why I share my testimony as hard as it may be sometimes.  That’s why I know that by sharing the parts of me doing and the parts of HIM getting me through is how I share HIM best.  

I share the relationship I have with GOD in all stages and every season.  My doubts.  My fears and struggles.  My hope—because that is real life.   That is what people can relate to.  Seeing you, a follower of Christ struggling with whatever and not have it all together.  And then seeing GOD in those moments of trial and how HE has changed your perspective on it all.  

My faith has become instrumental in my everyday walk.  It’s guided me.  It’s taught me more about who I am.  It has shown me that I can bend and stretch in ways I never saw possible.  My faith not only saved my life when my marriage of ten years ended, but also saved my life in this season of parental alienation I’m in today.  

I once wrote, I suppose if I knew God sooner, or if I knew what all of this would entail, I wouldn’t have said yes and began the journey.  I suppose I would have ran away from the challenge instead of learning to embrace it.  I suppose I would have given up on me.  And by doing that, given up on seeing that He never does.  And somehow I would have ran from the purpose behind all this pain and it would all just wither and die in my silence.

I can’t be silent about what GOD has done in my life.  And I will never regret the day I said yes to HIM and whatever may come my way.  I will continue to do my best sharing how GOD shows up in my life in hopes of you seeing HIM in yours. 

If I could just share one thing about having a relationship with GOD it would be:  The journey is hard sometimes.  But it is all worth it when you finally see yourself the way HE always has.  

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