Thoughts For My Future Self

The Holiday season sure is busy.  From decorating your house and tree to baking cookies and planning the big family Christmas meal.  The excitement of being able to give and spending time with family.  And just like that, it's all over.  It is over before you know it and then the fun part begins; taking down and putting everything away until next year.  I know that in all the busyness and chaos, I was able to make many wonderful new memories.  Ones that I will never forget.  But today, I welcome the silence.  I welcome the routine.  I welcome this alone time I have.  Today my thoughts are loud.  There isn't any noise or distractions to drown them out.  My thoughts are of what I want myself to remember going into this year.  My thoughts are for my future self.

Today, my thoughts are of what this year may bring for me-the good and the bad.  And what I need to remember during those moments.  My thoughts are also of the inevitable trials and storms that are going to come-and who's face I need to seek in the midst of them.  I want to encourage my future self to always remember to consult God in everything no matter how big or small.  To wait for His guidance even when He isn't moving as fast as you would like.  To be patient in the midst of uncertainty and wait for His still, small voice.  I want to remind myself to always wait for His promptings and never move ahead of His timing.  God is your rock and the glue that holds everything together; your life, your marriage, your family.  I want to remind myself to not allow the busyness of life to get in the way of spending time with God.  Feeding your soul daily with His word is so important.  Especially in those times when the enemy tries to get in.  Remember to plant God's truths inside your heart so that when the enemy whispers those lies, they'll just bounce right off those promises and truths that you know.

Remember to thank God more often than you do now.  And to not focus on what you don't have but all that you do.  Focus on all that He has given you.  And every once in a while, look back and remember all of the wonderful things He has done in your life.  Think about the times when you saw Him moving.  Remember to always be mindful of growing and improving in areas that may need some work.  Set goals and figure out a way to accomplish them-even if it pushes you out of your comfort zone.  And if you fail, it's okay.  Just remember to not be afraid to try.  Always strive to be a better wife and mom.  And Remember, in order to be the best you, you have to make time for yourself.  And that isn't anything you should ever feel guilty about.

So to my future self, when you find that you have lost your way, remember today.  Remember these thoughts.  Remember to seek His face and to thank Him always and you'll be just fine.


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