Always Remember

With every decision and situation, we should talk to God about it first.  No matter how big or small it may be.  It's always best to seek His will for us first.  But sometimes, after hearing from God, we start to question ourselves.  We question whether we heard Him correctly or if we actually ever did at all.  Especially in the midst of opposition.  Not everyone understands how you can hear from God.  So they may challenge you on why you are doing what you are doing.  At times, we allow them to influence us, especially if they are friends or family.  Your mind then takes over and that's never a good thing.  You hope that after hearing from God and the direction you are to take that the path will be smooth.  But that's not always the case. We are bound to run into a bump or two along the way.  The enemy will never allow the road to be smooth for us.  Especially, when we are walking in God's will.

Our God is greater than any bump the enemy will throw in your path.  Someone told me once, "Always remember what God tells you in the light and never question it when you are in the dark."  Such comforting words when you are questioning yourself.  I know that this is easier said than done sometimes, but it's such an important thing to remember.  The enemy will do anything possible to throw you off the path you are supposed to walk down.  Are you going to let a few bumps in the road derail you on your walk with God?  I know I'm not.

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