Intended for Good

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50:20

God didn't promise this life would be easy.  And sometimes, our circumstances prove that.  I can remember thinking after my divorce, "why am I here? Why am I in this situation?"  I even questioned whether or not God loved me.  I thought, "surely if He loves me, my life wouldn't be crumbling in front of my eyes."  Boy was I wrong to allow myself to think that way.  When we are in the middle of a bad situation, it's important to always keep our eyes on God.  I know how easy it is to allow a bad situation to consume you.  It's important to remember that He loves you even though your life may be crumbling in front of your eyes.  Just like the verse says, "you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good".  Take heart in knowing that God works for the greater good for all of us.  He walks with us through the darkest valleys and up high on the mountain top.  When you are walking through that storm it's hard to see all of that, but it's true.  God wouldn't cause pain without allowing something new to be born.  Isaiah 66:9.  Have faith.  Never give up.  The storm will pass.

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