
Us mommies put so much pressure on ourselves to get it all right.  We get this idea in our head that if we make a mistake, we are the worst mom because of it.  When we feel beat down about ourselves or our confidence has been shaken, we start to compare ourselves to other moms.  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves? Why do we compare ourselves to others?

I can remember when my oldest son was born I was working at a gym.  On a daily basis, I saw and heard people constantly comparing themselves to others.  Especially, the ladies.  I can remember by the time I left the hospital, I had already put all these expectations on myself.  Before I even aloud myself to recover, I was comparing myself to the women that had just had babies.  Instead of just soaking up the blessings of being a first time mommy, my mind was distracted with how fast I needed to lose the extra weight-to be like them.  I was comparing myself to these other moms.  Like it was some sort of competition.  If they could get back in shape in record speed, surely I could too.

You see, I was just adding on all of this extra stress and pressure to be like the other moms.  Instead of being me.  Looking back, it was completely ridiculous of me to do that.  We are all different.  Some mommies would lose the weight faster than others..and that was okay.  

The enemy knows how to pick at us, and when our negative thoughts come out of our mouths, we open up the door for him to get in.  When we do that, he has us right where he wants us.  He waits for just the right moment to sneak in.  He steals any bit of joy he can get from us in that moment.  And he does this because he will do anything to take away any glory from God.  

Mommies, God gave you the most precious gift-your children.  What a beautiful blessing, right? Every time you fall into the comparison trap, you allow the enemy to take a little bit of that beauty.  Don't allow the enemy to sneak in.  Stop opening up the door for him, especially since he is never invited.  We are all unique and special in our own way.   And you know what? Your babies love you because you are YOU.   

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