Letting Go and Letting God

Is your life in turmoil right now?  Are you struggling with an addiction?  Are you right in the middle of a raging storm where you are holding on tight because your boat is about to sink?  Are you lost and searching for answers-for clarity?  

When facing a difficult situation or going through a storm, what do you do?  How do you act or react in the face of adversity?  Do you look up for the answers or do you focus on the problem and how you can solve it on your own?  Do you turn your attention to trying to control the situation or do you put your hands in the air and ask God to take over?  

I know for me, I struggle with letting go and letting God.  Especially with the infertility.  I find with certain trials, my first thought is to try and control the outcome.  To make it work in my timing and not God's.  Instead of saying, "God, you are bigger than this hardship", I am saying with my actions, "God, you are not capable".  I don't know about you, but that's not the way I set out to act.  I have to make an effort to really surrender it all to the one who can bring me peace or clarity or answers.  I have to make an effort to say to God, "this is your battle to fight for me" and leave it at that.  

When I surrender, truly surrender it all to my Heavenly Father, the trial doesn't seem so bad as I'm walking through it.  It makes it easier to walk through knowing God is at work behind the scenes.  There is a peace that goes beyond understanding that goes along with that single act.  God hears your cries, He knows the desires of your heart, He can mend your broken heart.  Do you have something you could surrender?  Are you willing to let go and let God?  

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