The Last Part

So many people are struggling and have lost hope. So many people that don't know or even understand God's love need to hear it.  They need to hear your testimony of how God healed and helped you overcome your pain or trials. They need to hear that God draws near to the brokenhearted and can give you beauty for ashes.  That's why sharing your testimony can be so powerful for those who need to hear it.  For those who may be struggling with the very thing that you overcame, your testimony can be life changing to them.  It took me a long time before I was able to share my story with the world.  Because for a long time, I lived in fear and shame for what happened.  I carried this burden when it wasn't mine to carry.

I have been redeemed from a lot of my past, but there is still a portion that hasn't been told.  This part of my story is too painful for me to say out loud.  It's even too painful for me to think about.  I have never uttered a word about it, I've never written it down.  I thought if I never spoke of it and kept it hidden deep down inside, that it would go away.  But the truth is, there are so many emotions tied to these actions and memories that I don't know what to do with it all.  I guess I don't fully understand it all that's why hiding them was easier than facing the reality of what happened to me.  But what I do understand, in order for me to heal, I have to begin the hard work of sorting through this mess.  In order for me to fully heal, I have to release this part of my testimony too.

Today, I know that the fear has been broken off.  The chains that have been holding me down have been cut.  I have my legs beneath me again and am running towards my redemption.  Today, instead of feeling shame, I am angry at what happened to me.  The healing is finally beginning to take place after ten years.  This is the last part of my story and I will not carry this burden anymore.  I have been shackled to this part of my past for long enough.  All because I was fearful.

Fear is such a powerful thing; it will put you in shackles and leave you fighting to get through life.  Fear will prevent you from fully experiencing the freedom you'll receive just by surrendering it all.  Is fear chaining you down?  Are you carrying a burden that isn't yours to carry?  Why not surrender it?  Why not experience God's redeeming love he has for you?

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