
To this day, how I view myself isn't always the best.  I criticize and talk negatively about myself often.  And I have low self-esteem because of things I've had to walk through.  My sense of worth has been altered by situations and circumstances, that at the time, I had no idea were affecting me the way that they were.  I know that there are others out there who are struggling with things that I had to walk through and who are trying to find their worth in the midst of heartache.  I know how incredibly hard that is-to be hurting so bad all while trying to make sense of it all.  All while trying to find some peace amongst the chaos that is raging around you.  Even though it may not seem like it now, I want you to know that you are worthy of so much.  You are worthy of greatness.  You are worthy of happiness and love.

Finding my worth after my former spouse left was incredibly difficult for me.  When you go through something like that, you are left with so many questions and not enough answers.  You start to internalize moments and begin to look at yourself differently.  You begin to think that you aren't worthy of anything, especially love.  That's when God showed me that my worth is not determined by my marital status or age or occupation.  My worth is not determined by people or what society deems fit. My worth is so much more than that and it took me walking through the pit of divorce to fully understand it all.  On my darkest days, when I felt inadequate, unloved and unworthy, all I needed to remember was whose daughter I am and straighten my crown.

If you are struggling with your sense of worth, with your self-esteem, whether or not you're 'good enough', don't walk around with your head hung low believing you are not worthy another moment.  Don't believe those lies that are swirling around so deep inside of you that you start to see it as truth.  I want to remind you, just as God reminded me so many years ago, YOU are a child of the Most High; and that's pretty awesome, don't you think?  The healing will come and you'll be able to look back and see how amazing God's love for you is.  You'll be able to see how He redeemed you and walked with you through the darkest valley up to the top of the most beautiful mountain.  So for now, remember whose you are, and straighten that crown!

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