
We have all experienced some sort of loss.  It is part of life.  Whether it be a loss of a loved one. The loss of a marriage. The loss of a physical ability. There are so many different ways to suffer a loss. But, through all that I have lost I am still able to rejoice with my God. The loss of my marriage led me to the most amazing, God fearing man. A man that was better than anything I could have ever imagined. That loss led me to a better future, the one God intended for me to have. God was busy molding both of us through our losses to be the perfect fit for each other. In His timing he brought us together. There are no words for the loss of our child, but tonight I am rejoicing that our child is in the arms of our Heavenly Father. You see, each trial He is walking right there beside you. With each trial He is refining you. Without my battles I wouldn't have found my strength and would have buckled under the huge amount of pain I was in.  

You don't have to go at it alone. There is a better way. Let God walk beside you. Invite Him into your heart and allow Him to carry all of your burdens. Allow Him to mend your brokenness.  Allow Him to show you how much He loves you.  Allow Him to hold you in the palm of His hands. 

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