Love is Enough

My dear child. As you grow and mature, you are going to form your own opinions about things.  You will have all kinds of feelings and emotions about people and places.  Even about the people you love and trust.  You will no longer see the world with the eyes of an innocent child.  But, instead, with eyes of a young adult.  You will see that in reality, this world can be a cruel, and dark place sometimes; people too. 

You see, if your heart is not in the right place, you can fall into becoming prideful, selfish, materialistic, lustful.  All things which are of the world.  All characteristics that aren't pleasing to God or a spouse.  As you learn to navigate your path and purpose, I ask that you allow love to be enough.  

From the moment I found out you were growing inside of me, love was enough.  For every pound I gained, to the fatigue, for every moment of discomfort, love was enough.  Because of love, I forgot just how hard and painful it was to bring you into this world.  Because of love, the sleepless nights far outweighed a moment of rest.  I'm the only one who knows what it felt like to feel you grow bigger and stronger daily, my son.  And, it is you who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.  That's where my love lives and you've known it and felt it from the first few moments of your existence.  

I ask that you allow the same love to guide you along whatever path you choose; not material possessions.  Don't allow this world to harden your heart or change that love you've known from the start. Do things with a humble heart and mind and never out of selfish gain.  Rise above those things.  Rise above this world and dare to be different.  Dare to be the light for your generation.  Dare to make a difference.  My son, you were created to do great and mighty things in this world and it all starts with love.  

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