Season of Change

I know that I am a work in progress.  God is constantly stretching me beyond my comfort zone.  I am always learning and growing.  I am learning daily more and more about who I am in Christ.  God has me going through a season of change.  I don't quite understand it all in this moment, but I am certain I one day will.  Change isn't always pleasant.  It is sometimes scary.  It can be extremely difficult.  It can be emotionally draining.  Change can be a lot of things.  But no matter what kind of change I may be trekking through today, my faith and my trust in Him will remain my constant to help get me through the times of change.

The change you may be experiencing may not necessarily be something you wanted, or planned for your life.  As a matter of fact, God could have you going in the complete opposite direction that you laid out for yourself.  That's when I know that I have to throw my hands up and say, 'okay, God, I'm giving this all to you' and just trust in His plan.  I still struggle with walking blindly down any unknown path.  But, what helps me to be at ease is that I know that I know that God already knows the way; He can clearly see the road up ahead.  And that's enough for me.  

Getting to the point of handing over all the unknowns or insecurities isn't always easy.  Sometimes, I need a small nudge.  This morning, I got my nudge as I opened up my devotion and read this verse:  "Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path".  Seeing and reading this, reassured me and reminded me that I must remember to allow the word to be the lamp to guide my feet and that will light up the dark, unknown path of change.  

Are you going through a change right now too?  Are you having trouble seeing what's up ahead?  Always remember, in any circumstance, not just change, the word can guide your feet and light your path.      

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