Seed of Greatness

I saw a post from Joel Osteen this morning that stayed with me.  He said, "The day you quit being excited about your future is the day you quit living.  You have seeds of greatness on the inside.  There's something more for you to accomplish."

Then I applied it to my life right this moment.  Right now, I'm struggling to have a baby.  Today is the day I am supposed to take a pregnancy test, but I already know the results.  I don't want to take one because it will make the reality of the answer a little more devastating.  It hurts even more looking down at the negative result.  I know my body.  I know that I am not pregnant.  This round of fertility drugs did not take.  We have to start again.  I would be lying if I said I'm not upset.  Right now, I'm breaking.  I don't want Adam to see just how upset I am, but at any moment, the tears are going to pour from my eyes.  Even sitting here writing about this reality, the tears are coming.  So I keep walking away from this.  Somehow wishing that I could walk away from the problem of infertility just as easily.  I come back only once I gain control of my emotions.  I am about ready to give up.  But, I'm not.  It's not supposed to be this hard to have a child.  But it is for me.  Every month for the last year, it's been the same thing.  One negative test result after the other.  It's hard to stay positive.  So at this moment, it is hard for me to be excited about my future.  Because of the now.  Because of the disappointments.  

Our God doesn't want us to live defeated.  He put a seed of greatness inside me and each and every one of you.  I know there is more for me to accomplish.  Just because I didn't get pregnant this month, doesn't mean I have to live defeated.  Live feeling the way I do right now.  Live thinking everything I do is not going to work.  Our God is a mighty God.  The God of all healers.  The God of all hope and life.  God has something great in store for me and you. So today, I'm going to praise him regardless of my disappointments.   I'm going to continue to have faith in Him.  I'm going to love Him the same no matter what.

Think about how many people get some sort of bad news or is defeated somehow and they just give up.  What if I just gave up after my divorce.  What if I told myself, "this is it.  It isn't going to get any better than this."?  My life would have gone the opposite way.  It's not okay to just give up.  It's not okay when you lose that excitement for the future.  It's not okay.

Life wasn't meant to be easy.  Life is hard and unfair.  We will have trials that we have no choice but to walk through.  Trials make us stronger.  They make us wiser.  They change us for the better.  God plants seeds for a reason.  I'm not going to give up on my "something" just because I didn't get what I have been praying about.  You shouldn't either.  Do you know what your seed of greatness is?  In moments of defeat and disappointment, be sure to water that seed so it continues to grow instead of letting it wither up and die.  Your seed of greatness has the potential to turn into something beautiful.

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