Meet You

Having lived in Florida my entire life, the beach was a place my family spent a lot of time at. Some of my most treasured memories are of our extended family coming together every summer for a
week of beach fun. It never grew old. I still love it to this day! The beach is a place of solitude for me. A place I can go and completely turn my mind off. There is just something so peaceful about watching and listening to the ocean. Wave after wave crashing on the shoreline. The boys playing together, laughing and being as loud as they want. The beach is my favorite spot to go and just talk to God. The hustle and bustle of life stops the moment my toes hit the sand, the moment I can hear the ocean and smell the salt. No matter where I am, God will meet me in that moment.  Psalm 139: 9-10 has been with me all week. It says, "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." No matter where we are or where we end up. We can never be out of reach for God. He will always meet you in that moment when you need Him.

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