Finding the Light in a Dark World
Yes, I have found my light. It wasn't an easy thing to do at first, but I pushed through until I succeeded. Like you, I too, was once lost. That is until God found me. Or it was more like I finally found God. I'm so thankful He didn't give up on me. He was right beside me even when I was lost. Some say life will throw you curve balls, but, as a believer, I know it is the enemy trying to derail us. The enemy will do anything to keep you in the dark. Once that darkness has a grip on you, it can feel as if you will never see the light of day again. That is such a scary thing. He will do anything to tear you down. He can make you feel hopeless, like you are not good enough, like you will never get out of this pit. But, I'm here to say, " You are not any of those things and you can and will get out of that darkness."
I truly believe that you can get out of the dark only once you allow the light (God) into your heart and life. You don't have to do it all at once. It's okay to take one small step after the other. The important thing to remember is that with each step you take to go closer to the light (God), the easier it becomes. Pretty soon, before you know it, you will be running up the stairs skipping every other one because you can finally feel that you are changing on the inside. You can finally see a light. You are climbing up and out of that deep, dark pit. You are climbing up to your bright future.
Just because I have Jesus in my life, doesn't mean I don't suffer or I don't have pain. I do. The difference is now I have the light (God) on the inside. God is my rock. My foundation is strong because of Him. The enemy can beat on me all he wants but it's not going to do any good. My God is bigger than the enemy. He is bigger than anything the enemy throws in my way. I have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit living on the inside. That is my light. That is the reason I won't get pulled back into the darkness. And those are the very reasons that will keep you out of the dark too. So how about taking that first step today? Do you want out of the darkness? All it takes is one step of faith and you'll never look back again. It's that easy.
Just because I have Jesus in my life, doesn't mean I don't suffer or I don't have pain. I do. The difference is now I have the light (God) on the inside. God is my rock. My foundation is strong because of Him. The enemy can beat on me all he wants but it's not going to do any good. My God is bigger than the enemy. He is bigger than anything the enemy throws in my way. I have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit living on the inside. That is my light. That is the reason I won't get pulled back into the darkness. And those are the very reasons that will keep you out of the dark too. So how about taking that first step today? Do you want out of the darkness? All it takes is one step of faith and you'll never look back again. It's that easy.