The sunset was so amazing last night over Lake Cannon, that it stopped me in my tracks. We had just left my grandparent's lake house and when we got to the other side of their lake, we saw this. Luckily, there were no cars on the road because that allowed me to stop and take some shots from the truck. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to photograph this. Even the boys were in awe of it. Looking at the brightly colored sky, it made me think about God and his goodness. Especially, new beginnings.
I know at times, our lives are difficult. They are busy. They can be very chaotic. But there are those moments when we experience pure peace. That was last night for me. I believe that God gives us this beauty in the sky to remind us to find our peace. To ease our trouble and worries at the end of the day. To say, 'I know your day was hard, but remember, tomorrow will be a new day.' I don't know what your day or even your week held, or what struggles you faced, but isn't it an amazing thought to know that Our God gives us the opportunity to start over fresh every single day? It doesn't matter how many mistakes we made or how bad we failed Him, He gives us grace and the gift of new beginnings anyway.
Yesterday, my day was full of packing boxes and getting ready for our move into our new lake house. My day was stressful and chaotic and a little overwhelming. The boys were great at helping me pack boxes and move the lighter furniture downstairs. They were just ready and willing to help me do what ever needed to be done. Even though we got so much accomplished, I still felt like we had so much work to do. I was still very overwhelmed at the end of the day. I know that some of you faced bigger problems yesterday than I did. Whether it was a lost relationship or getting bad news about someone's health or losing a job. What ever it was that you faced, tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning. When I saw God's magnificent artwork in the sky last night, I felt Him right there in the truck with us. Just like you put a period at the end of a sentence, I felt as if God was putting an explanation point on the end of my day. Does that make sense? I felt God say, 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.' John 14:27
When our days are hard and overwhelming, remember that verse. Remember that God loves you and will always be right there. He is good at extending grace; even when it isn't deserved. So, the next time you have troubles, or you still are hurting at the end of your day, go outside and look up, look up to Him. It is there where you will find your peace.