Thank You, God, for Giving Me a Sister

Growing up, I didn't really understand what it meant to have a sister.  I never realized the gift God gave me until we were adults with children of our own.  I wish there was a way to go back to when we were kids.  I would do things differently.  Not only do I have a sister, but I have a best friend for life.  I am so thankful for her.

I had a few amazing people I could really depend on after my divorce.  But my sister was the one who made the biggest impact on my life.  I know that God had his hand in that from the very beginning.  I can't even begin to count the number of times she just sat there and listened to me sob.  Or the number of times she encouraged me to stay strong and that tomorrow was another day.  I can't count the number of times she prayed over me and the number of times she was just there. She will never fully understand how much she did during that time of my life or how much she means to me now.  She will never understand how much strength I drew off of her.  How much strength I still draw off of her. 

Our love for God is at the center of our relationship as sisters and friends.  Something that is so important!  We speak life into each other and lift one another up when life gets hard.  We also speak truth to each other no matter how painful that is.  I am grateful for her wisdom and seek it whenever I need it.  I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without her in it.  Thank you God, for giving me a sister.

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