A Letter to my Husband


I feel like I don't express to you enough how important you are to me.  I need you to know that I love you more and more every single day.  
I couldn't imagine my life without you in it.  I want you to know that I pray for you daily.  I know you do a lot for our family and that can't be easy.  I am thankful for you-for your heart.  I am amazed at how well you love people.  You make me want to be a better person, a better believer, a better wife, a better mom.  Thank you for pushing me outside of my comfort zone.  For pushing me to want more out of life and to not be okay with the status quo.  I realize now, before you, I wasn't living.  You make life exciting for me.  Every day is a new adventure with you.  Even if that simply means we are laying on the couch and stumbling upon a new series on apple tv.  

Thank you for ALL you sacrifice-for ME.  I know you still have dreams that pull at your soul.  Dreams that you still want to accomplish.  I also know how much you are giving up to be with me and the boys.  All of that does not go unrecognized.  I want you to know that I am extremely proud of you.  I'm proud to say that you are my husband.  I'm proud that you love the boys and care about their future the way you do.  I'm proud that you are a man of your word and that you have strong morals and values.  

On this holiday weekend.  I'm thankful that you are still here when so many of your friends lost their lives, with honor, defending our Country.  I'm proud that you served our Country with honor.  That you fought for ME.  I'm proud of the way you overcame the trials when you got hurt.  How you were determined to walk again-so you did!  I wish I knew you during that time.  I wouldn't have left your side.  I would have been there to encourage you, to pray for you, to cheer for you, to push you along.  Thank you for loving me the way you do.  Thank you for supporting me the way you do.  Thank you for making me happy again.  Thank you for being you.             

There is this man, whom I love with all my heart.  That man is my husband, Adam.  

I love you.  


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