Life After Divorce and a Mother's Prayer for Her Children

Divorce is hard.  Divorce is unfair.  Divorce is ugly.  Divorce is life changing.

When I pictured my life, divorce wasn't part of that vision.  My vision for my life was altered when my former spouse left.  My journey down the divorce road has not been an easy one.  Especially, because of the children involved.   Their lives have been forever changed.  Some may say their lives are ruined or just scarred from the trauma of the split.  Their lives consist of living a week with me and a week with their father.  The Holidays are split and alternate yearly.  There are years where I do not get to see my own children on their birthdays.  This is pretty hard, especially since I'm the one who carried and gave birth to them.  If the Holidays or school breaks fall just right on the calendar, there is a three week time frame where my children won't see me.  Divorce is hard-plain hard.

At times, I feel as if I'm a part-time mommy.  My reality is the boys are only home two weeks a month!  Because of that, I cherish every single minute I have with them more than normal.  I feel as if I am missing out seeing them grow up completely when they are away.  I'm not able to be with them all of the time like a mommy should be.  I can only imagine what is going on in their heads.  They are the ones who have to be shuffled around from house to house, from family to family, like they are possessions.  My prayer for the boys is that they will grow up stronger because of this trial.  They will truly value family, and value their vows once they decide to have a family of their own.  My prayer for them is to grow up with a strong relationship with God and to have morals.  My prayer is that they will find Godly women to marry and that He will always be in the center of the relationship.

My prayer for them is to always love, even when it isn't deserved.  To always forgive, no matter how hard it is.  To be quick to listen and slow to anger, in every situation.  My prayer is that they will become great men of God despite the situations life has given them and that their lights will always shine bright for all to see.

We live life forward but understand life backwards.  I don't know what it is, but God has big things in store for my children.  They may not understand it right now at their ages, but I know He will bring them through this season of life.  He is refining them for something bigger, something great. 

 I pray that they'll look back on their lives and be able to thank God like I am able to do now.  To thank Him for walking them through this season in their lives.  To be able to thank Him because this trial has made them stronger men and because of this trial, they have an unbreakable faith. 

Now that I am re-married, it is our goal to model what a Godly marriage looks like for the boys. To teach them that God is the glue in a relationship. To model love and forgiveness. To model kindness towards others. To model what it looks like for a man to cherish his wife. Today, I'm so thankful that God walked with me down the road of divorce.  He carried me through some tough times to bring me out the other side.  I'm thankful my God sent me Adam. I'm thankful-truly thankful.

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