Happy Heart

What makes your heart happy?  I mean truly happy?  Have you ever sat down and thought about that?  

For me, I live for the moments.  I live for the memories.  I live to see all of my boys smiling.  To see the flicker of happiness in their eyes and pure joy on their faces.  I live for experiences, not stuff.  What makes my heart happy is nothing money can buy.  It's much simpler than that.  What makes my heart truly happy are pulling up all of the memories we have made as a family that I have tucked away in my heart.  Remembering the excitement in trying new things.  Remembering the look on their faces-the smiles, the laughter.  

What makes my heart happy is to look back at a moment I captured in a photo and remember all the details from that day.  I see the world differently when I'm behind the lens of my camera.  It's always been extremely important to me to capture these moments.  These moments will pass by pretty quickly; but the memories that are left behind are worth all the money in the world to me.  

Happiness to me is capturing and remembering extraordinary moments in an ordinary day.

So, what makes your heart happy?  What makes it full?    

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